Is Stress To Blame For Your Acne Problems?

By Owen Jones

Everybody is aware what stress is and we all think that the degree of stress in our daily lives is continuously on the rise. This is almost certainly true as well. However, stress can be a double-edged sword, stress creates stress, which means that being stressed is a vicious spiral. Stress ever creating more stress.

Our bodies can cope with a great deal of stress and so can our minds, but if stress levels are permitted to continue to rise unimpeded, something will snap. It might be your sense of mental balance, in other words, you might get ratty or it may be your body. The biggest organ of our bodies is our skin and so it would not be strange if excess stress caused skin problems.

This is in spite of the fact that most peoples' bodies last out quite well for sixty or seventy years. However, unchecked stress can be pernicious, as I said before. Stress creates more stress and in this way, if the way your body complains about the amount of stress it is under is by breaking out in spots, pimples or acnes, then that can lead to more stress, which can make the break-out even worse.

Additionally, the fact is that it is typically teenagers who get acne, while they are going through stressful physical and emotional adjustments due to hormones. At this susceptible age, when teenagers are beginning to discover their sexuality, the last thing they want is acne. This may even cause acne, which results in more stress, which does not help the acne disappear ad infinitum.

There are many possible reasons for acne, but there is also evidence that Rosacea tends to get better and worse depending on our stress levels. Therefore, you might choose to try stress management as part of your acne or pimple control routine.

It is not likely that stress management alone will rid you of acne and other skin problems, but there is a very good case for including stress management in your attempt to keep your skin problems in check.

Along with stress management, you will have to try all the other recommended techniques, such as reducing fat in your diet, eating more fruit and vegetables, keeping your hair off your face and changing your pillow slip every night.

If you reckon that stress might be contributing to your acne, then you should follow a de-stressing routine, which could include altering your diet (in the same way as mentioned above); exercising more; learning relaxation techniques, like deep breathing or yoga; taking a massage or sauna and pampering yourself a little, possibly by listening to soothing music.

Other ways of reducing stress involve reducing chaos in your life and setting goals for yourself. Stress often increases when we feel that we are no longer in control, so budget your finances and plan your routines. Stress can also increase if we feel that we are 'not getting anywhere', so learn to reward yourself for achieving targets that you set for yourself. These can be as simple, small or large as you want, but I find that small rewards for attaining short term goals works best for me.

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